You are invited to a fun day of food, drink and softball
Who: All State Societies in good standing, NCSS Sponsors and Embassy personnel
When: Saturday, September 30th arrive 11:30pm, start 12:00pm .
Where: West Potomac Park
Cost per Person: $15 admission includes food and drinks ($10 for children 12 and under
Softball: Three fields will be reserved for NCSS and state societies/sponsors will be able to field teams for “friendly” games. No umpiring will be provided.
Food and Drink: Admission price will include Red, Hot and Blue Barbecue and soft drinks. Food will be served starting at noon. BYOB
Deadline: All payments no later than October 18th
Questions: Please contact Bill Christian (202) 746-2455 if you have any questions or concerns.
NCSS looks forward to seeing you at a great event